Who Is Dr. Jenny?



I began teaching others how to heal their burnout so that they could live the life they wanted to live, so that they could reclaim their joy and happiness, because I had to do it for myself first. 

I decided I wanted to be a vet when I was 8 years old. So imagine my frustration when I found myself burned out and miserable only 4 years into my career! 

Unfortunately, I wasn't the only one to experience this. Yes, burnout is extreme in the veterinary field, but it's also so prevalent among so many professionals in today's world!

Unfortunately, I can't even tell you how many times people have said to me "Oh, you're burned out? Just get a better work/life balance or just get a hobby!"

Newsflash: work/life balance and hobbies are NOT the solution for burnout. And the fact that so many people think they are is why so many of us spend years stuck in the burnout cycle!

Since my own experience with burnout (starting in 2014 through the middle of 2019), I've noticed a huge glaring hole in our education today: the lack of any conversation about how reconnection with ourselves and the work to heal from the inside out are absolutely needed for professionals (aka- self-leadership, and how you can actually feel in control of your life!). 

I launched Unruly Leadership and it's associated programs (self-study courses, retreats, and both group and private coaching) to help other professionals take control of their lives, end their burnout, and heal their nervous systems, so that they can explore and create the lives of their DREAMS. 

The moral of the story?

What I have learned has completely transformed my life, from burned out and suicidal to loving every single day and being excited to wake up again! I have more freedom now than I ever imagined!

And my mission is simple: To help you be able to do the same.

Are you ready?


When I first started learning about self-leadership and taking back my power, my motivation was to feel more joy.

So many of us are missing JOY in our lives! 

Which means one of our primary goals need to be increasing that joy!

I start every single day with the question, "What would bring me JOY today?"

The catch is that if we have too much trauma in our lives still affecting our current situation, or if we're still not truly owning our own leadership (which EVERY SINGLE PERSON has, whether they've learned to use it or not), we have to deal with that or it will hold us back from the joy we seek!

But today my lifestyle is all about fun, play, and JOY!

And yours can be the same. Start having more fun and living your EPIC LIFE.

(Hint: Finding your joy? Begins with reconnecting with YOU!)

Ready to start THRIVING in your life? Join our 5 day "Thriving Through Unconventional Self-Care" experience.

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