You Worked So Hard To Be In The Veterinary Field... Are You Ready to Actually Enjoy It?


You didn't go into this field to be overworked, exhausted, burned out, and desperate for a work/life balance (but also wondering if it's even possible!).  

Well, what if it were not only possible, but also not as hard as you might think?  

What if all it took was a little bit of possibility with some structure and strategy?

That's what we're here for!

Join the Happy Vet Society

Most vets think they have to find a new job, a better boss, an easier schedule... to have work/life balance. To actually be able to have fun in their lives and careers again.


But this just isn't the case.

Rather, while a new job or situation is sometimes necessary, if you don't take charge of your life BEFORE you make those changes, the things that are keeping you burned out will just follow you.

Look, I totally get it.

I went through 3 jobs, then bought a practice (huge mistake for me!), and finally into relief work before I started to understand that I was actually in charge of my happiness (turns out I sucked at boundaries and real self-care, which isn't just exercise and meditation!). 

If you've tried several changes, several jobs, and you're still burned out...

It's not your fault!

We aren't taught the skills we need in school or life, and how our nervous system works to keep us exactly where we are!

So we keep struggling with boundaries. We keep working too late, not seeing our families, bending over backwards for our bosses and our clients..

Dreading the sound of the alarm clock... spending our entire weekend recovering from the week, just to do it all over again the next week...

Dwelling on cases gone wrong or negative interactions, beating ourselves up for mistakes even though we know we're overworked and exhausted...

The thing is... it doesn't have to be like this. You deserve to live a life where you aren't exhausted, overworked, wondering if you should leave the field.

And you truly have the ability to create that life. To bring the fun and joy back to your life and career.

Much faster than you think.

And you are worthy and deserving of living the life that you want to live!

The truth is...  you can take control of your life!


You can start to work WITH your nervous system (instead of it working against you) to create the life you thought you'd have when you went into the field.

You can start teach your brain to stop dwelling, to start seeing solutions that weren't visible before.

You can begin to implement small changes that will truly begin to change your life today!

Instead of being bounced around and dragged under by life, you can fully and truly start to take the wheel.

But first, you have to learn where you've been letting others (including your nervous system) rule the show. 

When you are able to recognize where you haven't been in control, then you're able to implement strategies and structures that put you exactly where you want to be...

In charge and living the life of your dreams.

And that's exactly what we teach you to do inside the Happy Vet Society!


The Happy Vet Society is designed for YOU.


It's a community and a support system.

It's a way for you to see what's truly been holding you back so that you can finally take control and have the work/life balance (and the fun, freedom, and money!) you've been wanting!

It's the strategies and structures that will help you get clear on what you want, AND the daily steps that will get you there!

  • You'll discover the limiting beliefs and ways your own nervous system has been sabotaging you.
  • You'll get the clarity to focus on the right areas to create the changes you're wanting.
  • You'll be on the path to get actual transformation and results in your life.
  • And you'll be supported all along the way by an amazing community of fellow veterinary women who are on the same journey!

Which of these results do YOU want?

P. (Vet Tech)

Dr. Jenny is insightful, thoughtful, and she will give you encouraging nudges at the right times. I've been working with Dr. Jenny for awhile now, and she has definitely helped me to see myself in ways I hadn't thought of. She has helped me to dig deep and uncover layers to shed that have helped to discover my true strengths and even some weakness. Thank you Dr. Jenny for giving me the courage to better myself through internal growth. :) 

L. (Veterinarian)


I just got the highest salary offer I've ever seen to be "chief veterinarian" at the place I've been reliefing at!

I had not applied for it. In fact, I had told people there that I only wanted relief work. They legit came to me and said "we want to give you the highest salary of anyone here, higher than the executive director. Because it's a big job and we love your attitude!" Hahaha!

Oh man what a surprise and a testament to the work we have done since I reached out to you with anxiety and fog brain last year... I was sure I was done!

A. (Veterinarian)

Since starting the Happy Vet Mastermind then the Society, I've noticed multiple areas of my life starting to ramp up at the same time! I'm organizing like mad, working out, eating better, and for the first time in a long time, having fun dating/flirting!

K. (Veterinarian)

Before I started in the Dr. Jenny's programs, I literally didn’t realize that one small change in how I was thinking could change my whole reality. You use the ship analogy, it was like my ship had just been floating forever, waiting to hit an iceberg, and then suddenly I got it turned and heading in the right direction, finally!

V. (Veterinarian)

I started out in the Happy Vet Mastermind with Dr. Jenny which was a great low pressure jumping-off point. Dr. Jenny has helped me realize how to change unhelpful thought and behavior patterns to help me create a life that is purposeful and more fulfilling. My progress has taken work, but I am continually surprised and can definitely say it's worth the investment in yourself. 

E. (Veterinarian)

Hi all! I just wanted to give a huge shout out to Dr. Jenny's Happy Vet Society! I would very highly recommend joining, as they helped me navigate some super tough times! 🙂

T. (Veterinarian)

I joined the Happy Vet programs at a time when I wasn't sure where I wanted my veterinary career to go, only that I wasn't happy where I was. In the time since, my whole life has changed. Sometimes the job still sucks, but now I know that I'm the one in control. I can set boundaries, I can take care of myself. And I always know there are other options. This is night and day from where I was when I started.

C. (Veterinarian)

I'd heard Dr. Jenny talk several times about how much of a difference small changes can make. I'll be honest, I didn't really believe her. Then she challenged me to try a couple of things. Within 4 days, I had noticed a difference. FOUR DAYS. This shit works if you're willing to try it.

A. (Veterinarian)

When I first signed up for the Happy Vet programs, I watched and listened but didn't completely jump in. Even then, I started noticing differences. I was noticing when I was triggered (and being able to recognize what I needed to do), I was setting boundaries that I hadn't been willing to set earlier... once I really started to dig in, the changes became even more dramatic. It's still a work in progress, but life is getting better every single day!

What does the Happy Vet Society include?

Bi-Weekly Group Calls

Connect with other veterinary women who are also on a journey to reclaim control of their lives and bring the FUN back to their lives AND careers! Calls include support and accountability as well as connection!

Supportive Community

Science has shown that connection is one of the biggest factors related to our happiness. If relationships are part of what cause burnout and trauma, they are also part of the healing. But in order for that to be true, it has to be in the right environment. We are very protective of our community to ensure that it is as safe and supportive as possible!

Monthly Workshops

Once a month, Dr. Jenny does workshops on a specific topic (upcoming workshops include boundaries without guilt, stopping the dwelling cycle, abundance in the veterinary field, and more!).

Weekly Work/Life Balance Tasks

Short tasks every single week that only take a few minutes but will dramatically increase your work/life balance!


Get immediate access to the welcome module of our signature Thrive by Intention program where we help you get jumpstarted with quick daily steps that you can take, starting now, to gain some traction in your transformation!

And Even More in the Mastermind!

The EPIC & Aligned Mastermind is also available if you're ready for the next level! More accountability, more support, individual coaching, and more access helps you transform your life even faster!

I've helped hundreds of veterinary professionals take control of their life, and now it's YOUR turn!

I was amazed at how much my life could change (and how quickly!) when I started implementing certain changes to how I lived and how I thought. 

The reality is that your nervous system wants you to stay exactly where you are today. 

Not because it wants you to stay unhappy or burned out or not have a work/life balance...

But because it wants you to stay SAFE  (and it knows you're safe where you are). 

But safe does not equal happy.

And I assume you want to be happy (and have fun!) in your life and career again. I want that for you too!

But this means you need to help your nervous system understand that it's safe to leave where you are today, to create a different reality.

The good news is... this is possible!

So tell me, are you in?

There are 2 options to join:

Happy Vet Society


Most popular

  • Specific to veterinary professionals
  • Bi-weekly group calls
  • Monthly workshop (increase work/life balance and build more fun into your life!)
  • Weekly tasks (a couple of minutes to create lasting change!)
  • The Society library (including past workshops and call replays, plus more)
  • Supportive FB community
  • BONUS Workshop: "The 5 pillars of a Thriving Life"
  • BONUS Workshop: Get immediate access to the Welcome module of our signature program, Thrive by Intention (helps you get started right away with the routines needed to transform your life in just a few minutes a day)!
  • Discounts to any live programs or retreats that take place while you're a member!
Join Now

EPIC & Aligned Mastermind


The VIP option! (Limited space)

  • For veterinary professionals, includes absolutely everything in the Society plus...
  • Bi-weekly mastermind ONLY calls with Dr. Jenny (laser coaching sessions)
  • Quarterly virtual retreat (may occasionally be in person after COVID)
  • A 1:1 private call with Dr. Jenny every 3 months of membership
  • Access to the entire JEG library (workshop replays, the  Veterinary Change and Veterinary Life 101 programs, and more!)
  • Access to the 6 module Thrive by Intention program which takes you deep into the routines and pillars needed to truly incorporate more fun and joy into your life and career!
  • Access to our all new ASSESSEMENT where we help you figure out exactly which pillar to focus on to create the smoothest and fastest impact on your life.
  • Free access to ALL programs run by Dr. Jenny while you're a member!
  • Cancel or downgrade at any time you feel complete!
Join Now

If you lean in and do the work, you'll get the results!

But we also want to make sure you're satisfied! Both the Happy Vet Society and the EPIC & Aligned Mastermind are monthly programs that you can cancel anytime you decide that you're not getting the results you want. Because of the digital nature of the programs, there are no refunds, but you can leave anytime you're complete.

However, we also guarantee that results are within your grasp. We can't do the work for you (just like we can't do your pushups for you), but if you participate and engage, your life will change!

So Let's Recap!


When you join the Happy Vet Society, you get instant access to an amazing community that is there to support you in YOUR transformation, as well as the strategies and skills that take you from burned out to having fun again (in your life and career!). You also get immediate access to the Welcome module of TBI, which is all about how to jumpstart your success and happiness!

And if you join the EPIC & Aligned Mastermind, you get access to our unique assessment that helps you figure out exactly what area you can focus first, as well as the entire Thrive by Intention program and access to any other programs that come out while you're a member!

So now it's time to decide...

Are  you ready and committed to taking control and  creating transformation in your life?

Are you open to the possibility that your life truly can transform? That YOU are in control of your happiness, your work/life balance, the amount of fun you're having in your life and career?

If you are, and you're ready to learn HOW to create that change, then we're waiting for you on the inside!

But, if you're still on the fence, two things:

  • Doors to the Happy Vet Society are only open a few times a year!
  • Make sure you have a plan for how things can change moving forward. You're here for a reason (I'm assuming because you want something in your life to change)... doing what you've been doing has gotten you to where you are, so what are you going to do differently? And if you're confused, this is what we help with inside both the Society and the Mastermind!

Are you ready?

Happy Vet Society


Most popular

  • Specific to veterinary professionals
  • Bi-weekly group calls
  • Monthly workshop (increase work/life balance and build more fun into your life!)
  • Weekly tasks (a couple of minutes to create lasting change!)
  • The Society library (including past workshops and call replays, plus more)
  • Supportive FB community
  • BONUS Workshop: "The 5 pillars of a Thriving Life"
  • BONUS Workshop: Get immediate access to the Welcome module of our signature program, Thrive by Intention (helps you get started right away with the routines needed to transform your life in just a few minutes a day)!
  • Discounts to any live programs or retreats that take place while you're a member!
Join Now

EPIC & Aligned Mastermind


The VIP option! (Limited space)

  • For veterinary professionals, includes absolutely everything in the Society plus...
  • Bi-weekly mastermind ONLY calls with Dr. Jenny (laser coaching sessions)
  • Quarterly virtual retreat (may occasionally be in person after COVID)
  • A 1:1 private call with Dr. Jenny every 3 months of membership
  • Access to the entire JEG library (workshop replays, the  Veterinary Change and Veterinary Life 101 programs, and more!)
  • Access to the 6 module Thrive by Intention program which takes you deep into the routines and pillars needed to truly incorporate more fun and joy into your life and career!
  • Access to our all new ASSESSEMENT where we help you figure out exactly which pillar to focus on to create the smoothest and fastest impact on your life.
  • Free access to ALL programs run by Dr. Jenny while you're a member!
  • Cancel or downgrade at any time you feel complete!
Join Now